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Visa Inc. is an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in San Francisco, California. It facilitates electronic funds transfers throughout the world, most commonly through Visa-branded credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards. Visa is one of the world's most valuable companies.

Visa does not issue cards, extend credit or set rates and fees for consumers; rather, Visa provides financial institutions with Visa-branded payment products that they then use to offer credit, debit, prepaid and cash access programs to their customers. In 2015, the Nilson Report, a publication that tracks the credit card industry, found that Visa's global network (known as VisaNet) processed 100 billion transactions during 2014 with a total volume of US$6.8 trillion.

Visa was founded in 1958 by Bank of America (BofA) as the BankAmericard credit card program. In response to competitor Master Charge (now Mastercard), BofA began to license the BankAmericard program to other financial institutions in 1966. By 1970, BofA gave up direct control of the BankAmericard program, forming a cooperative with the other various BankAmericard issuer banks to take over its management. It was then renamed Visa in 1976.

Nearly all Visa transactions worldwide are processed through the company's directly operated VisaNet at one of four secure data centers, located in Ashburn, Virginia; Highlands Ranch, Colorado; London, England; and Singapore. These facilities are heavily secured against natural disasters, crime, and terrorism; can operate independently of each other and from external utilities if necessary; and can handle up to 30,000 simultaneous transactions and up to 100 billion computations every second.

Visa is the world's second-largest card payment organization (debit and credit cards combined), after being surpassed by China UnionPay in 2015, based on annual value of card payments transacted and number of issued cards. However, because UnionPay's size is based primarily on the size of its domestic market in China, Visa is still considered the dominant bankcard company in the rest of the world, where it commands a 50% market share of total card payments.
Visa Inc. adalah perusahaan jasa keuangan multinasional Amerika yang berkantor pusat di Foster City, California, Amerika Serikat. Perusahaan ini memfasilitasi transfer dana elektronik di seluruh dunia, umumnya melalui kartu kredit, kartu hadiah, dan kartu debit berlogo-Visa.[4] Visa tidak mengeluarkan kartu, memperpanjang kredit atau menetapkan tarif dan biaya untuk konsumen; sebaliknya, Visa menyediakan lembaga keuangan dengan produk pembayaran bermerek Visa yang kemudian mereka gunakan untuk menawarkan program kredit, debit, prabayar, dan akses tunai kepada pelanggan mereka. Pada 2015, Nilson Report, sebuah publikasi yang melacak industri kartu kredit, menemukan bahwa jaringan global Visa (dikenal sebagai VisaNet) memproses 100 miliar transaksi selama tahun 2014 dengan volume total sebesar US$6.8 triliun.

Visa beroperasi di semua benua di seluruh Dunia. Hampir semua transaksi Visa di seluruh dunia diproses melalui VisaNet di salah satu dari dua fasilitas aman: Operations Center East, yang berlokasi di dekat Ashburn, Virginia; dan Operations Center Central, terletak di dekat Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Kedua pusat data sangat aman terhadap bencana alam, kejahatan, dan terorisme; dapat beroperasi secara independen satu sama lain dan dari utilitas eksternal jika diperlukan; dan dapat menangani hingga 30,000 transaksi simultan dan hingga 100 miliar perhitungan setiap detik. Setiap transaksi diperiksa melewati 500 variabel termasuk 100 parameter deteksi penipuan—seperti lokasi dan kebiasaan belanja pelanggan dan lokasi pedagang – sebelum diterima.

Visa merupakan organisasi pembayaran kartu terbesar kedua di dunia (kartu debit dan kartu kredit digabungkan), setelah dilampaui oleh China UnionPay pada tahun 2015, berdasarkan nilai tahunan pembayaran kartu yang ditransaksikan dan jumlah kartu yang dikeluarkan. Karena ukuran UnionPay didasarkan terutama pada ukuran pasar domestiknya, Visa mendominasi seluruh dunia di luar Tiongkok, dengan 50% pangsa pasar pembayaran kartu global dikurangi Tiongkok.
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