Logo Huawei - Download Vector

Logo Huawei - Download Vector
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology corporation headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. It designs, develops, manufactures and sells telecommunications equipment, consumer electronics, smart devices and various rooftop solar products.

The corporation was founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former officer in the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Initially focused on manufacturing phone switches, Huawei has expanded its business to include building telecommunications networks, providing operational and consulting services and equipment to enterprises inside and outside of China, and manufacturing communications devices for the consumer market.

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Huawei has deployed its products and services in more than 170 countries and areas. It overtook Ericsson in 2012 as the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, and overtook Apple in 2018 as the second-largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world, behind Samsung Electronics. In 2018, Huawei reported annual revenue of US$108.5 billion. In July 2020, Huawei surpassed Samsung and Apple in the number of phones shipped worldwide for the first time.

Although successful internationally, Huawei has faced difficulties in some markets, arising from undue state support, links to the PLA and Ministry of State Security (MSS), and concerns that Huawei's infrastructure equipment may enable surveillance by the Chinese government. With the development of 5G wireless networks, there have been calls from the U.S. and its allies to not do any kind of business with Huawei or other Chinese telecommunications companies such as ZTE. Huawei has argued that its products posed "no greater cybersecurity risk" than those of any other vendor, that the US has not shown evidence of espionage, and that the allegations are hypocritical as the American government itself conducts state survelliance programmes. However, experts point out that the 2014 Counter-Espionage Law and 2017 National Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China are far-reaching legislation that compels Huawei and other companies to cooperate in gathering intelligence. According to former staff "it is no secret that employees often work with intelligence officials embedded in the company", with 25,000 Huawei employees previously serving in the MSS or the PLA, including former chairwoman Sun Yafang. Intelligence agencies have also implicated Huawei in several hacks of telecom networks, while several rival telecom manufacturers like Nortel and Cisco Systems have traced industrial espionage back to Huawei.

Despite claims that it operates as a private company, questions regarding Huawei's ownership and control persist. Huawei is considered a national champion in China's "techno-nationalist development strategies", and has received extensive support including financing from state-owned banks, plus China has engaged in diplomatic lobbying and threatened trade reprisals against countries who considered blocking Huawei's participation from 5G. Huawei has assisted in the surveillance and mass detention of Uyghurs in Xinjiang internment camps, resulting in sanctions by the United States Department of State. Huawei also tested a facial recognition AI that recognizes ethnicity-specific features to alert government authorities of members of an ethnic group.

In the midst of an ongoing trade war between China and the United States, Huawei was restricted from doing commerce with U.S. companies due to alleged previous willful violations of U.S. sanctions against Iran. On 29 June 2019, U.S. President Donald Trump reached an agreement to resume trade talks with China and announced that he would ease the aforementioned sanctions on Huawei. Huawei cut 600 jobs at its Santa Clara research center in June, and in December 2019 founder Ren Zhengfei said it was moving the center to Canada because the restrictions would block them from interacting with US employees. In 2020, Huawei agreed to sell the Honor brand to a state-owned enterprise of the Shenzhen municipal government to "ensure its survival", after the U.S. sanctions against them. In November 2022, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) banned sales or import of equipment made by Huawei for national security reasons. In 2023, the European Commission banned Huawei from providing telecommunication services.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. adalah sebuah perusahaan teknologi multinasional yang berkantor pusat di Shenzhen, Guangdong, Tiongkok. Perusahaan ini merancang, mengembangkan, dan menjual peralatan telekomunikasi dan elektronik konsumen.

Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1987 oleh Ren Zhengfei, mantan Deputi Komandan Resimen di Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat. Awalnya fokus memproduksi switch telepon, Huawei kemudian berekpansi dengan memproduksi jaringan telekomunikasi, menyediakan jasa konsultansi dan operasional dan peralatan untuk perusahaan di Tiongkok maupun di luar Tiongkok, serta memproduksi perangkat komunikasi untuk pasar ritel. Huawei mempekerjakan lebih dari 194.000 orang hingga Desember 2019.

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Huawei menyediakan produk dan jasanya di lebih dari 170 negara. Pada tahun 2012, perusahaan ini menyalip Ericsson sebagai produsen peralatan telekomunikasi terbesar di dunia, dan menyalip Apple pada tahun 2018 sebagai produsen ponsel cerdas terbesar kedua di dunia, di bawah Samsung Electronics. Pada tahun 2018, Huawei mencatatkan pendapatan sebesar US$108,5 milyar. Pada bulan Juli 2020, Huawei menyalip Samsung dan Apple sebagai merek ponsel cerdas teratas (dalam hal jumlah ponsel yang terjual) di dunia untuk pertama kalinya. Hal tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh menurunnya penjualan Samsung pada triwulan kedua tahun 2020, akibat pandemi COVID-19.

Walaupun sukses secara internasional, Huawei mengalami kesulitan di sejumlah pasar, karena adanya dugaan dukungan negara yang tidak adil, keterkaitan dengan Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat, dan kekhawatiran keamanan siber—terutama dari pemerintah Amerika Serikat—bahwa peralatan infrastuktur buatan Huawei dapat memungkinkan pengawasan oleh Pemerintah Tiongkok. Dengan berkembangnya jaringan nirkabel 5G, ada permintaan dari Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya agar tidak mengadakan bisnis apapun dengan Huawei maupun perusahaan telekomunikasi lain asal Tiongkok, seperti ZTE. Huawei kemudian berpendapat bahwa produknya "tidak memiliki risiko keamanan siber lebih besar" daripada produk perusahaan lain, dan tidak ada bukti mengenai klaim spionase dari Amerika Serikat. Namun pertanyaan mengenai kepemilikan dan kendali Huawei, serta kekhawatiran mengenai seberapa besar dukungan negara kepada Huawei pun tetap muncul. Huawei juga dituduh membantu pengawasan dan detensi massal suku Uyghur di kamp pendidikan ulang Xinjiang, yang akhirnya menyebabkan sanksi dari Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat. Huawei menguji kecerdasan buatan pengenalan wajah yang dapat mengenali ciri fisik khas dari sejumlah etnis untuk mengingatkan instansi pemerintah mengenai orang dari etnis tertentu.

Di tengah perang dagang antara Tiongkok dan Amerika Serikat, Huawei dibatasi dalam berbisnis dengan perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat karena adanya dugaan pelanggaran terhadap sanksi Amerika Serikat kepada Iran. Pada tanggal 29 Juni 2019, Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump mencapai kesepakatan untuk melanjutkan diskusi perdagangan dengan Tiongkok dan mengumumkan bahwa ia akan melonggarkan sanksi kepada Huawei. Huawei pun mengurangi 600 pekerja di pusat risetnya di Santa Clara pada bulan Juni 2019, dan pada bulan Desember 2019, Ren Zhengfei menyatakan bahwa Huawei akan memindahkan pusat risetnya ke Kanada, karena pembatasan akan menghalangi mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan pegawainya di Amerika Serikat. Pada tanggal 17 November 2020, Huawei setuju untuk menjual merek Honor ke Shenzen Zhixin New Information Technology untuk "memastikan kelangsungan hidupnya", setelah adanya sanksi dari Amerika Serikat.
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