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The Mini is a small, two-door, four-seat car, developed as ADO15, and produced by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) and its successors, from 1959 until 2000. Minus a brief hiatus, original Minis were built for four decades and sold during six, from the last year of the 1950s into the last year of the 20th century, over a single generation, as fastbacks, estates, and convertibles.

The original Mini is considered an icon of 1960s British popular culture. Its space-saving transverse engine and front-wheel drive layout – allowing 80% of the area of the car's floorpan to be used for passengers and luggage – influenced a generation of car makers. In 1999, the Mini was voted the second-most influential car of the 20th century, behind the Ford Model T, and ahead of the Citroën DS and Volkswagen Beetle. The front-wheel-drive, transverse-engine layout were used in many other "supermini" style car designs such as Honda N360 (1967), Nissan Cherry (1970), and Fiat 127 (1971). The layout was also adapted for larger subcompact designs.

This distinctive two-door car was designed for BMC by Sir Alec Issigonis. It was manufactured at the Longbridge plant in Birmingham, England located next to BMC's headquarters and at the former Morris Motors plant at Cowley near Oxford, in the Victoria Park/Zetland British Motor Corporation (Australia) factory in Sydney, Australia, and later also in Spain (Authi), Belgium, Italy (Innocenti) Chile, Malta, Portugal, South Africa, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia (IMV).

The Italian version of the Mini was produced by Innocenti in Milan and it was sold under the "Innocenti Mini" marque. Innocenti was also producing Lambretta scooters at that time.

The Mini Mark I had three major UK updates: the Mark II, the Clubman, and the Mark III. Within these was a series of variations, including an estate car, a pick-up truck, a van, and the Mini Moke, a jeep-like buggy.

The performance versions, the Mini Cooper and Cooper "S", were successful as both race and rally cars, winning the Monte Carlo Rally in 1964, 1965, and 1967. In 1966, the first-placed Mini (along with nine other cars) was disqualified after the finish, under a controversial decision that the car's headlights were against the rules.

In August 1959, the Mini was marketed under the Austin and Morris names, as the Austin Seven and Morris Mini-Minor. The Austin Seven was renamed Austin Mini in January 1962 and Mini became a marque in its own right in 1969. In 1980, it once again became the Austin Mini, and in 1988, just "Mini" (although the "Rover" badge was applied on some models exported to Japan).

BMW acquired the Rover Group (formerly British Leyland) in 1994, and sold the greater part of it in 2000, but retained the rights to build cars using the Mini name. Retrospectively, the car is known as the "Classic Mini" to distinguish it from the modern, BMW influenced MINI family of vehicles produced since 2000.
Mini adalah sebuah mobil kecil yang diproduksi oleh British Motor Corporation (BMC) dan penerusnya dari tahun 1959 sampai 2000. Model asli dari mobil ini dianggap sebagai ikon dari Inggris pada tahun 1960-an. Mesinnya yang melintang karena berpenggerak roda depan memungkinkan 80% luasan lantai digunakan untuk penumpang dan bagasi telah berpengaruh besar pada para pembuat kendaraan. Pada tahun 1999 Mini terpilih sebagai mobil kedua paling berpengaruh pada abad ke-20, di belakang Ford Model T, dan diikuti oleh Citroën DS and Volkswagen Beetle.

Mobil dengan 2 pintu ini awalnya didesain oleh Sir Alec Issigonis. Mobil ini diproduksi di Pabrik Longbridge dan Cowley di Inggris, Pabrik British Motor Corporation (Australia) Victoria Park / Zetland di Sydney, Australia, dan juga diproduksi di Spanyol (Authi), Belgia, Chili, Italia (Innocenti), Malta, Portugal, Afrika Selatan, Uruguay, Venezuela dan Yugoslavia. Mini Mark I mengalami 3 perubahan total di Inggris;— Mark II, Clubman dan Mark III. Di antaraseri-seri tadi ada berbagai macam tipe bodi, di antaranya mobil estate, truk bak terbuka, van dan Mini Moke — model seperti jeep.

Mini Cooper dan Cooper "S" merupakan model sporti dari mobil ini yang sukses sebagai mobil reli, berhasil memenangkan Reli Monte Carlo empat kali dari tahun 1964 sampai 1967, meskipun kemenangannya pada tahun 1966 akhirnya didiskualifikasi.

Pada awalnya Mini dijual oleh Austin dan Morris, sebagai Austin Seven dan Morris Mini Minor. Austin Seven berubah nama menjadi Austin Mini bulan Januari 1962 sampai akhirnya Mini menjadi merek sendiri pada tahun 1969. Mini akhirnya dipasarkan lagi oleh Austin pada tahun 1980 dan pada tahun 1988 menjadi Rover Mini. BMW mengakuisisi Grup Rover (dulunya British Leyland) tahun 1994, namun tetap memiliki hak untuk membuat mobil dengan merek MINI.
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